Thursday 23 February 2017

Applying Film Language to Final Idea

Film Language

In our short film there are a variety of techniques we aim to produce, from focus pulls to tracking shots with a steadi-cam. 


Before shooting, we will practise with the new steady-cam to enable us to get the perfect smooth shots, for example when we follow Michael down the stairs, when we track him we want to capture a fluent shot to reinforce continuity before the disruption takes place within the narrative.

Focus Pulls & Shallow depth of field:

These two techniques will play an important role in our short film as it will reinforce the distortion that Michael is experiencing from the tormenting sleep walking episodes he gets after reading this book that his Father told him to stop reading. It will also act as action and enigma codes as it foreshadows the ending, however, raises questions what he will be doing. 

These techniques link to many horror films, for example James Wan's horror films:

Conjuring 2

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