Monday 20 February 2017

Hair/Make-up/Costume Research

In our short film we have two main protagonists, both which are male, a son and his Father. However, we mainly focus on the teenage boy as the narrative revolves around the events that take place with himself. 

Teenage Boy costume/hair/make-up:

  • Most of the time he will be wearing typical male pyjamas, such as, checkered loose bottoms and just a plain t shirt. His hair will be scruffy which emphasises the dramatic sleep walking events he has been experiencing. His skin tone will be pale, this can be created through the use of a very pale tone of make-up powder. I will also add some darkness under his eyes using dark eye shadow. 
  • The teenage boy will need blood make-up effects about half way through the plot, as the narrative consists of him banging his head on his bedroom door in the middle of the night, therefore we need evidence of the damage he is creating for himself. I will buy some fake blood mix on amazon to create this effect. To successfully generate a bloody head effect I will watch tutorials on Youtube, allowing me to practice on myself because applying it onto our actor.
Father of the Teenage Boy costume/hair/make-up:

  • The Father will be dressed in casual clothing consisting of jeans, a belt, and either a polo shirt or a worn shirt. His hair will be neat and gelled hair, therefore this will generate an immediate contrast between the two protagonists. The Father will not need any make-up as he is not the one suffering from the sleep walking events.

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